Sunday, June 29, 2014

Raspberry Pi Streaming Video

Before I forget:  Before a few days ago, I did imaging through the Raspberry Pi camera the following way:

I'd drive the robot a few feet.  Then I'd send a command to take a picture.  A picture would be sent back to me, and I'd take a look at it.  Then I'd dismiss the picture, and drive the robot a little bit more. And so on.


The whole thing was done via Python.  I couldn't figure out how to do streaming via Python.  So, following streaming instructions here, I set up streaming video via the from the Raspberry Pi camera to a web page.

Now, I get a live stream of the camera as I drive the robot, making it a more fun driving experience.

Unfortunately, it seems to have hosed the picamera Python library, so I don't have access vi Python.  Oh, well.  For now, I don't need or want it.  I'll have to see about reinstalling it or making it live side-by-side with streaming, if possible, if I want it back in the future.