Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The full data set

Reload to update.

By the way:  The effing European Union bureaucrats require you to be warned, if you're from the EU, that this site may use cookies.  Well, I don't put in or collect cookies and don't give a damn, but maybe Blogger.com does.  If they do, then I don't know about it.  Maybe the analytics that Blogger.com collects and makes available have something to do with it.  Damned if I know.  If you're from the EU, Google/Blogger will put up a warning automatically.  I don't do anything to obscure it.  Consider yourself warned.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Some Arduino Sensor and Python work.

Live plotting from DropBox Public.  Press Reload to update -- the figure is updated every ~10 minutes.

Explanation:  I have a little scintillator experiment set up in a light-sealed box.  The luminosity comes from an Adafruit High Dynamic Range sensor attached to an Arduino Uno and timed via Arduino code at 600 ms for ultra-low light sensitivity.  The sensor is facing some fragments of PEN plastic, which is known to be a pretty good scintillator.  No, I don't expect to see scintillation from secondary atmospheric cosmic rays, given the sensitivity and timing, but you never know -- I may get a shower.

The temperature and humidity come from a DHT11 sensor purchased from Amazon.com.  Just in case I pick up electronic noise in the light sensor due to thermal variations, I'll know if the temperature changed.  So far, no.

The Arduino is set to read data as often as possible, given the 600 ms integration time, and the plot to the local screen.  So, about once a second.  Data are saved to a file once every 61 seconds (I suppose I should fix it to 60), unless the reading shows a change in luminosity, in which case the change is registered immediately to disk.  The image is update on the web every ~10 minutes, and approximately 3600 readings are plotted (i.e. up to an hour).