This doesn't have anything to do with the RaPiArbot, but a few weeks ago, I was asked to look into putting FORTH on an Arduino Uno. It was for a project at work.
I was able to get a working implementation of 328eForth on it by using one Arduino to program another. ( has been reorganized, so I'm not sure where to get the 328eForth image any more. I think you can e-mail them.)
I had tried using a USBtinyISP AVR Programmer to write the Arduino, but in the end it turned out to be easier just to hook up one Arduino as a programmer for another Arduino.
In order to make sure it was working safely, I also reprogrammed the bootloader of the Arduino with Forth back to the original Arduino bootloader. I wanted to be able to recover my own Arduino after I was done playing with Forth, and I was successful at restoring the Arduino.
Then, on a whim, I tried restoring the bootloader on the Arduino that had been burned out, and it ended up working again.
So... nice.